
PO Box 2903
Gainesville, GA 30503

How to get to the member areas of this site.

  1. Click on the word LOGIN or ACCOUNT in the header at top right.

    (on a phone, click on the menu at top right to see LOGIN or ACCOUNT)

    Enter your username and password.

    Then a white sidebar will pop up. This is your account info. In that sidebar:

  2. click on VIEW

Would you like to donate to ASMA and help support marine art and artists?

our objectives:

  • to recognize, encourage and promote marine art and maritime history.

  • to encourage cooperation and free interchange among artists, students, instructors, craftspeople, publishers, collectors and others.

  • to hold exhibitions and conferences to promote the study and improvement of marine art.


We are a non-profit group and you donation is tax-deductible.

Donate to ASMA